AAUA Revalidation of Studentship Procedure for 2016/2017 Session

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko, AAUA revalidation of studentship procedure for students absent from the university, students without matric number and students with no result.

Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko AAUA Admission


This is to inform all the students of Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba-Akoko (AAUA) that fall within the categories below to complete the revalidation of studentship form.

Table of Contents


The following categories of students can complete the revalidation form:

  1. Students with unauthorized break in their studentship (i.e. absence from the University for two consecutive semesters or more).
  2. Irregular studentship (i.e. student without matriculation number), and
  3. Students who could not ascertain the status of their final year result.


The procedure for completing the revalidation of studentship form are as follows:

  1. The application form shall be downloaded from the University Website (Download Revalidation of Studentship) by the prospective applicants;
  2. Duly completed application form shall be submitted to each student’s respective Head of Department;
  3. The Heads of Department are required to supply all relevant information as provided in the application form and forward for further processing, through their respective Deans;
  4. After due process and approval of the Vice Chancellor, successful applicants only, shall be required to pay the prescribed fees of N5,000 (the precedent being the fees payable for Change of Course/Inter University Transfer for fresh students);
  5. Applicants not eligible for revalidation of studentship and whose studentship were deemed to have terminated in line with the extant University regulations shall be officially informed of the termination of their studentship.

Click here to download Revalidation of Studentship Form.

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