UNILAG Announces Closure Of Admission Exercise
UNILAG Announces Closure Of Admission Exercise. The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has officially closed its 2022/2023 Admission Exercise. Candidates and members of the university community are hereby informed about the closure.

However, UNILAG has observed that some candidates who were offered admission into different programs from their original choices have yet to accept the transfer offers to the new programs. Additionally, there are candidates who have been slow in accepting the transfer offers, thus delaying their admission process. As a result, the Admission Office is unable to propose these candidates’ admission on JAMB CAPS.
See Also: UNILAG Registration Guidelines
UNILAG is emphasizing the following important points:
- The Admission Office will continue to propose the admissions of candidates who accept the transfer offers of new programs until the deadline of Friday, May 12, 2023.
- Candidates who accept the transfer offer after the deadline will not have their admissions proposed, leading to the forfeiture of their admission.
Candidates are advised to take necessary actions promptly and ensure that they do not miss the deadline. Delaying the acceptance of transfer offers may result in losing the opportunity for admission into the University of Lagos for the 2022/2023 academic session.
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