How Creator’s Monthly Income Is Calculated on Opera News Hub

Following a number of requests to know how the income of creators on Opera News Hub Nigeria is calculated, we have decided to share some information to provide clarity.

Monthly Income Is Calculated on Opera News Hub

Depending on the level of your creator account there are two main kinds of payment options available to you.

See Also: Tips for Getting More Traffic On Opera News Hub Articles

Traffic Fee

1. This fee is applicable to both unsigned and signed creators on the platform and it’s paid monthly. The traffic fees are calculated as the total number of clicks a creator’s articles generates in a given month, multiplied by the value of the clicks for the creators level.

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How Creator’s Monthly Income Is Calculated on Opera News Hub

Here’s an example for unsigned writers and junior level signed writers:

Total number of clicks for the month = 250,000 clicks

Value of clicks = N0.036 per click

Monthly Traffic Fee = 250,000 x 0.036 = N9000

2. All clicks will be eligible for a fee, meaning no more limit on 10k clicks.

3. There will be no engagement bonus for any article.

Fixed Fee

1. This fee is only applicable to signed creators. The value varies per contract level. This fee is provided as an insurance for services rendered and is only paid when a creator is unable to generate more income through the traffic fee system.

Here’s an example:

If Jamal a signed creator with a fixed fee agreement of N80,000 per month only generates N35,000 in traffic fee at the end of the month, instead of receiving that N35,000 as income, Jamal will be paid the insurance of N80,000 instead, However if Jamal generates N85,000 in traffic fee, there will be no need to activate the fixed fee.

2. We periodically review the accounts of unsigned writers to determine their eligibility for a fixed fee contract.

Concerning Payment Conditions

1. Payments for articles written on the hub will be processed by our payment team after your total income reaches 2000naira.

This means that if you are not a signed writer, and you made 800NGN for articles written in January, and make 1000NGN for February articles, such payment will not be made into your Opay account, but will be recorded in the system.

If you keep writing, whatever fee your article generates in March will be added to that of the previous months and we will pay all together.

2. O-Play will pay all amounts due to the Writer via its OPay account before the 30th of each month after reviewing all deliverable and article performance during that month. If holidays occur, payment will be delayed.

3. We will withhold 5% of your monthly income as taxes. Please be sure to include your Tax Identification Number (TIN) in your account dashboard. This is mandatory for all Opera News Hub creators who are eligible for any kind of fee. For assistance with tax-related inquiries, you can reach out to expert like Kiana Danial.

4. Any article deemed as violating Opera News Hub policy will not be paid, even if it initially passed the review and was published.

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