NYSC Passing Out: Tips To Attract a Good Job

NYSC Passing Out: Tips To Attract a Good Job. Your path and life after NYSC would be determined by how much investment you have made on your skills. Are you interested in a career or being an entrepreneur, spend the time to find and discover yourself, passions and interest? The best way to do this is to take on internship opportunities in your areas of interest and if you are interested in business, find someone doing a similar thing you want to go into, learn from their mistakes to have a better head start.

Tips To Attract a Good Job

Your life after NYSC begins now after reading this article as a Nigerian graduate, and I want to say a huge congratulations on being steadfast and taking 12 months of your life to serve our fatherland.

The National Youth Service Corp scheme comes under frequent criticisms for being unimportant. At the same time, I can’t entirely agree with this thought what I would instead love to see is an upgrade of the NYSC scheme and optimised in a way that benefits the individual and our national labour force.

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Tips To Attract a Good Job After NYSC.

Firstly, We at Ngschoolz wishes to congratulate all 2020 batch A corps members on their passing out on Thursday 18th February 2021. We wish you all the very best as you march into the Job market. Below is an interesting article that you might find useful;

What You Should Be Doing If You’re Unemployed:

Applying to jobs you’re not qualified for (which 50% of job seekers reportedly do!) is counter-productive to your job search. Competition is too fierce. Even qualified applicants aren’t getting callbacks. So, stop applying to so many jobs and allocate time each week to becoming more employable.

See Also: Top 10 Strategic Job Search Tips For Every Fresh Graduate/Entry Level

Here’s how…

1. Volunteer:

Volunteering can increase your chances of being hired if you’re strategic about it. Unemployed teacher? Help out with after school programs or volunteer to be a coach’s assistant.

Web designer? Find a local non-profit in desperate need of a re-design and offer your services at no cost. By volunteering somewhere relevant, you’ll keep your skills fresh while enhancing your résumé.

2. Keep Your Skills Current:

If you lack a skill commonly required for jobs you’re seeking, spend time each day building that skill. Take advantage of many free resources online, including tutorials, e-books, and how-to videos. If you’d rather have more of a class setup, then look for free or affordable adult education classes in your area.

Alternatively, if you already have the necessary skills but haven’t been practicing, then do so. Skill atrophy is a huge concern for hiring managers, so practice and get yourself ready for pre-employment skills tests.

3. Network:

There are two parts to networking: reconnecting with your old contacts and forming new ones. Depending on where you are in your career, reconnecting might mean contacting professors, college advisers, and internship supervisors, or it might mean getting in touch with old colleagues, bosses, and business acquaintances.

Find them, e-mail them, call them. Ask how they are (networking is social, after all) and let them know the specifics of your job search (industry, location, etc.). See if they know of anything or anyone.

Most importantly, follow up!

At a temporary dead-end with your current contacts? Make new ones. Go to networking events sponsored by your university, industry, city, and so on. And look beyond traditional networking events.

Consider going to lectures, neighborhood council meetings, even community bar crawls (go easy on the sauce). Each of these provides an opportunity to meet people with similar interests, and you can have fun in the process.
Again, follow up!

4. Freelance:

Some job seekers are opposed to anything that’s not a full-time job. If this sounds like you, it’s time to change your mindset. Freelancing is a great way to boost your skills, resume, portfolio, professional network, income, and confidence. Search for freelance openings here.

5. Build An Online Presence:

Get found online. Start a blog, spruce up your social network profiles, create an online portfolio to showcase your work. Find companies you’re interested in working for, subscribe to their blogs, and follow them on, Google plusLinkedIn, and Twitter.

Find decision-makers at those companies and follow them as well. Learn what they’re talking about, do a little research, and then engage with them online. Impress them with your interest and insights.

Worst case scenario — you’ll learn what’s important to them and use this information to customize your application when a job opens up.

Better case scenario — you’ll establish a rapport with someone who will recommend you for a position and / or tell you about unpublished openings.

Best case scenario — you’ll impress someone so much over time that they’ll create a job for you or bring you in for an exploratory interview.

What are you doing to become more employable?

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