Top 10 Courses Most Nigerian Students Were Forced To Study

 Top 10 Courses Most Nigerian Students Were Forced To Study | It is no longer news that the Nigerian job environment is not favourable at all because there are no jobs leaving a good number of qualified graduates practicing businesses and doing work that has absolutely no relationship with the courses they studied in school. With the trend already established, some courses however, seem to still perform fairly better than others with regards to being employable and having a lucrative pay check. In this, Nigerian parents are known to encourage their children to study these courses. Check it out and confirm if it’s true!

Courses Most Nigerian Students Were Forced To Study

Table of Contents

Top 10 Courses Most Nigerian Students Were Forced To Study

1. Medicine: This very difficult course still maintains it’s lead as the number 1 course of choice by Nigerian students who just graduated from high school. The prestige associated with this course; has made many Nigerian parents, encourage their children to study medicine without fully considering if they even have passion for medicine! Medical doctors are slightly paid well according to Nigerian standards; unfortunately, the high number of students who graduate from medicine in the university do not blend well with the number of good hospitals ready and willing to employ them, making many of them underpaid, with many leaving the country.

2.  Law: Here comes another demanding course that has found solace in the heart of most Nigerian students who were pushed to study the course. Law is an art related course and has retained it’s spot as the number 1 choice for art students seeking admission in the university. Unfortunately, just like Medicine, it is not easy to get admitted into a Nigerian University to study Law if the brains to get 280 and above in Jamb are not there. Private Universities can consider you though

3.  Engineering:There is this craze among Nigerian parents to see their sons study Engineering. Truth be told, a good number of Engineering students who have graduated are under employed or unemployed. Thanks to the shitty Nigerian government. However, most Nigerian parents do not seem to care as they still go ahead to push their sons to study the course as it still retains its prestige among Nigerians. To study this course, you must love Maths!

4. Pharmacy: This is a course of it’s own class. Students who study this course are accorded so much respect. Much thanks to its ambiguity and its complexity. This course stands out as one of the courses most Nigerian parents encourage their children to study

5.  Accountancy: A prestigious course among Nigerians, this course is an Art related course with a special knack for accounts and business mathematics. A good number of Nigerian students rush in a jazzy academic frenzy to study this course, because it is a course with a high employable rate. Nigerian parents are always keen to suggest this course as a second option to Law which is also Art related.

6. Architecture:  Welcome to the world of creativity and design. This is a course that has recently caught the minds of Nigerian parents. It is not surprising because of the lucrative nature of the course after study. Nigeria still a developing nation, buildings are needed everywhere and because of this, there is quite a high demand for Architects, Adding to this, Architecture students are known to make money from small jobs even while in school. However, studying this Architecture in Nigeria is very stressful and time demanding but very rewarding afterwards

7. Economics:This Art related course, is the reason many Nigerian parents want their children to be like the prestigious Economist Ngozi Okonjo Iweala. This course is highly placed in Nigeria and students who study Economics are often accorded a kind of special respect.

8. Nursing: Get into a discussion with an average Nigerian high school science girl and ask her the course she wants to study, don’t be surprised if she tells you nursing. A good number of Nigerian mothers encourage their young daughters to study Nursing. Nursing in Nigeria just like Medicine slightly pay well according to Nigerian standards, coupled with the fact that Nursing is a lucrative profession globally.

9. Banking: Oh banking! An average Nigerian thinks that when you study Banking and Finance you automatically qualify to be a bank manager! Well, though there is slight truth in that; it takes a lot of years of study to achieve it. Banking on its own is a good, reputable course to study in Nigeria. And they have a good chance of being employable in the Nigerian Labour market.

10.  Health Sciences: An athlete receiving rehabilitative care for a sports injury.By health sciences we mean this courses Medical Rehabilitation, Medical Laboratory Science, Radiography. This courses are related to the medical line and are perfect substitutes for Nigerian parents when they see their children can’t get admitted into Medicine. These courses are highly lucrative in Nigeria with high pay checks. Studying this courses means there must be an interest in the science related subjects of Chemistry and Biology.

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